
class ServerPlayNetworkContext(context: ServerPlayNetworking.Context) : NetworkContext<ServerPlayerEntity>

A server-side network context, used to handle C2S payloads






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constructor(context: ServerPlayNetworking.Context)


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open override fun canReply(id: Identifier): Boolean

Check for whether you can reply with a certain payload type (Typically this is CustomPayload.Id#id)

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open override fun disconnect(reason: Text)

Disconnects the current session (single or multiplayer)

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open override fun execute(runnable: Runnable)

Executes a task on the main thread. This should be used for anything interacting with game state outside the network loop

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open override fun networkPhase(): NetworkPhase

The current network phase. Always PLAY at the moment.

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open override fun networkSide(): NetworkSide

The network side of this context. Responses will be CLIENTBOUND

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open override fun player(): ServerPlayerEntity

The player entity associated with this context. A server player in this case.

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open override fun reply(payload: CustomPayload)

Replies to a payload with an opposite-direction response (S2C in this case)

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fun sendToAllPlayers(payload: CustomPayload, skipCurrentPlayer: Boolean = true)

Sends a payload to all players on the server. By default, skips the player that sent the inbound packet